Responsible Gambling – 8 Tips That Could Save Your Sanity

Gambling can be a fun and exciting way to pass the time, but it’s important to do so responsibly. If you’re not careful, you could end up making some ill informed choices and losing a lot of money – or worse, your house and family! Is it worth it?
In this blog post, we will discuss 8 tips that will help you gamble responsibly and avoid any major financial losses. Follow these tips and you’ll be able to enjoy gambling online without putting your livelihood at risk!
8 Responsible Gambling Practices
If you don’t practice responsible play it’s very easy to lose everything you’ve put in. Having a little gambling awareness can help you to reduce the risk of gambling harm considerably.
Online casino games are not a guaranteed way to make money
Playing online casino games is not a guaranteed way to make easy cash. In fact, if you don’t keep check on your own play it’s very easy to lose your shirt.
Only play casino games online with money that you can afford to lose
Best practice when playing casino games online is to set a budget and stick to it. Don’t gamble at casinos with money you can’t afford to lose. Gambling is a form of entertainment, but it can cost you money, so never play with more than you can afford to lose.
Don’t chase your losses at the online casino
Don’t chase your losses at the online casino. If you have a bad streak and lose some money on an online slot game for example, then don’t keep playing in the hope that you will win it back. This is a surefire way to lose even more money and end up very disappointed. The best thing to do is walk away from the game, take a break and come back later when you are feeling refreshed and ready to gamble responsibly again
Set yourself a loss limit every month
Set a budget and stick to it. Don’t gamble with money you can’t afford to lose. Only gamble what you can afford to lose. If you end up losing money, make sure you can get it back from somewhere else – this is where organisations like the Responsible Gambling Council can help.
Set yourself a time limit too
Set yourself a time limit too. Don’t just set yourself a loss limit when gambling responsibly, but also set yourself a time limit to your responsible gaming sessions. This way, you won’t spend the whole day glued to your computer and will be able to get on with other things that are important in life
Don’t play casino games online when you are upset
Don’t gamble when you’re feeling angry or upset as this can lead to poor decisions being made and an inability to focus on the game at hand. If things start getting too much for you, take a break from gambling and come back later when your mind is calmer.
Play casino games online but do other things too
Play casino games online but do other things too. Gambling responsibly doesn’t mean playing live casino games all the time. It means enjoying them as a responsible adult and making sure that you don’t do anything to ruin your life or the lives of those around you. There are many other things in life besides casino games online. Here are some examples…
- Spend time with family and friends
- Do some healthy exercise every day
- Get enough restful sleep
- Eat a healthy and balanced diet
- Enjoy other hobbies and interests
Don’t drink and play casino games online. They just don’t mix!
Don’t gamble when you’re drunk or on drugs (best NOT to do drugs either!), this is a recipe for disaster. Playing video slots whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly increases your chances of making bad decisions that could lead to financial ruin.
Protect yourself from unscrupulous gambling operators
Only gamble with a responsible gambling operator that has policies in place to protect players from themselves. Furthermore, if you think there might be a problem, seek help from a gambling awareness organisation such as the Responsible Gambling Council .
Responsible casino sites all have the same fundamental principles when it comes to responsible gaming. Most responsible gaming sites will provide information on their website and a self exclusion program. Most casinos also offer links to outside resources. They will also have their own self exclusion program for players who feel that they may have a problem with gambling or gambling addictions.
If you think there might be a problem, seek help from a responsible gambling organisation such as the Responsible Gambling Council . These organisations offer free advice on responsible gambling and how to stop if things get out of hand.
When the fun stops – Gambling stops!
Remember: when you’re playing online casino games such as roulette or blackjack, it’s important to take responsibility for your own actions. It isn’t up to the government to provide treatment. Be smart and responsible with how much money you put down! And finally, if all else fails…just quit now! Take advantage of the casinos self exclusion initiatives. It might seem like an impossible task but there are responsible gambling organisations who will help you out
Responsible Gambling Council
The RGC is an organisation which aims to educate people through its responsible gambling program and help those with problems related to problem gambling and gambling addiction. Their responsible gambling program and self-assessment tools and tips can be found on their website, which is also available in French.
Difference Between Responsible Gaming and Problem Gambling
Difference Between Responsible Gaming and Problem Gambling. On the surface, responsible gaming and problem gambling may seem like they are very similar concepts, but they actually aren’t. The difference between responsible gaming and problem gambling is that responsible gaming refers to the behaviour of a healthy and responsible gambler. Problem gambling on the other hand refers to when someone has developed a serious addiction to gambling which affects their life in negative ways.
Teenagers and gambling in Canada
It is illegal for online gambling companies to target underage gamblers. A lot of time and resources has gone into training those involved to prevent gambling harm to minors. Governments around the world consider this to be a priority. The gambling industry as a whole also has procedures in place to prevent young people and teenagers from gaming online.
The rules and regulations in Canada state that a person MUST be 18 or over before being allowed to gamble online.
Some online gambling tools to help you stay in control
- Timeouts. Take regular breaks from gambling
- Set yourself deposit limits
- Keep track of time
- Account restrictions (ask customer support for information)
- Self exclusion (ask customer support or search online)
- Gamble Aware
- Gamblers Anonymous
- Gambling Therapy
Good luck and always gamble responsibly!
Online Resources:
British Columbia Partnership for Responsible Gambling Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-888795-6111
Responsible Gambling Council (Ontario):
The Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-888230 3505
Jeu: aide et référence (JAR) – support, information and reference to people affected by excessive gambling throughout Quebec:
Canada Safety Council:
Canadian Centre for Addictions:
Responsible Gambling Council:
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is gambling a problem in Canada?
Just 2% of Canadians 15 years and older have gambling problems. 1.2% of Canadian adults could be pathological gamblers and an additional 1.5% will be problem gamblers.
What are responsible gambling tools?
See above for a list of tools to help keep you from harm.
Is the Responsible Gambling Council Canada a charity?
The RGC is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to problem gambling prevention.
How does gambling affect Canada?
Addiction to gambling may lead to a range of serious personal and social harms such as depression and suicide, bankruptcy, family breakup, domestic abuse, assault, fraud, theft, and even homelessness.
What can I replace gambling with?
How about… Physical activity (e.g., going for walks, weightlifting, team sports or yoga). Meditation. Spending more time with friends and family who do not gamble. Volunteering at a hospital or animal shelter. Exploring new hobbies. Traveling.